Friday 11 October 2013

Kids Ice Skates - A Beginners Guide

By G. Smitty

Ice skating is an activity that can be practiced as a recreational activity or as a professional sport. A lot of skaters ice skate for leisure as there are some good benefits that can be gained from ice skating. Introducing children to ice skating can be both fun and yet dangerous as child safety on the ice rink is a major concern. It is however a rewarding experience for most kids who take up an interest in ice skating. There are kids ice skates are available to make this experience and activity a rich one for children.

While a lot of time, discipline and personal skill is necessary to develop and master ice skating but this has been made easier with ice skates that are specifically designed for kids. Kids ice skates start from beginner ice skaters to the more skilled skaters, there are a large number and styles of skate boots available on the market. While ice skates for kids share similarities to those made for adults, there are some differences and key features that make kids ice skates unique from those of adults.

In ice skating, there are several factors that play a part in how IS move on the ice, these factors include body weight, skill level, and discipline, and these also apply to children. When it comes to confidence and psychological issues, children have different behavioral traits - some children may be frightened when they first step on the slippery ice surface on the rink; while others will be excited. Most of the IS for children are made with safety mechanisms that enable first time IS and even more confident skaters to find sturdy balance while remaining safe on the ice. Most IS are suited for different skill levels. Companies such as Jackson Ultima and Riedell Skates make figure and recreational IS specifically for certain skill levels and disciplines.

It can sometimes be confusing to tell the actual differences between figure IS and ice hockey skates. While there are fairly some differences between these two styles of skating, during the initial learning stages, it is not important to focus on the differences. However as a child progresses in developing IS skills, these differences become noticeable and children and parents can purchase specific IS for the particular ice skating style. Most IS disciplines are used in either figure skating or ice hockey. Recreational skating is more "in-between" these two styles.

A common safety feature among kids IS is the easy buckle that replaces laces. This is helpful on the ice rink as children are not affected by the laces found on ice skates for older children and adults. In addition, other features such as inner lining provide warmth and comfort while the hard outer shell gives support that helps maintain a child's sturdy balance on the ice.

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